My pride and joy!

My pride and joy!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Fun weekend...kid style! Plus other weekly events.

Sophia making her own snack.
I apologize for the lengthy post but I had all sorts of random things going on but mostly wanted to explain about the weekend the kids had requested, park time with friends, bedtime and some random scrapbooking. It all started Wednesday night when Alex was drawing at the table before bed.  When I told him it was time to brush his teeth he said "I wish I could stay up as long as I want to".  I told him as we were reading books that on Friday we could stay up late.  He asked if he could stay up 'til midnight, have movie night and sleep in the tent!  Uh, okay I said...well that got him started on the exact details!  We would watch a movie, have popcorn (with M&M's-my weakness), zucchini bread and chocolate chip cookies!  We would sleep in the tent and then the next night we would sleep in the outside tent and have s'mores!!!  "We'll see," I finally told him. 

On Friday we went and rented Rio (very cute btw) and had popcorn with M&M's and snuggled in their sleeping bags.  Then, Saturday Matt set up the tent in the backyard (he is so sweet) and started a little campfire to do s'mores!  They had a ball.  Sophia and Alex actually slept outside with Matt ALL night!  I got out of it because poor Ava was running a fever and we snuggled in my bed together!  Darn, I am sooo not a camper so it really was hard to sleep in my bed! haha

Movie night!

We love camping with Dad!

Alex's artwork, this is pictures of Mario from Supermario bros.  He's into that right now!

Daddy is the best.

My pretty girl before church.  I wouldn't look like that if I slept in the tent all night!

Bring on the s'mores!1

Rosie is like me...not much of a camper but right there for the s'mores!


Backyard campfire!

Sophia and one of her buds at the park!

My sweet girls getting ready for bed.  Both proudly wearing their "I love Daddy" jams.

This is a scrapbook page of Ava's nursery I have been trying to finish and finally got done while everyone was camping.

Now, back to Alex's drawing before bed.  He has gotten so good at his artwork.  He loves art class at school which unfortunately is just once a week.  His teacher keeps telling me how good he does!  I notice the papers he brings home are very precise with color and exact details that sometimes I think he doesn't get it finished!  They really are pretty good though, yes I am slightly biased!!!  They also send home a little book he has to "read" to us every night and a calender with activities to complete at home.  I love this because it gives me direction and we can do it at a time when things are calm.  He has done well with this too.  I dread the real homework that is coming next year but right now it's just the right amount.  I am really proud of how well my little guy is doing.  He has a WONDERFUL teacher which makes it fun for him and I think she is instilling self-confidence in him that he was lacking before! 


  1. Hi Heather! Just came across your blog... U have a beautiful family!!!

  2. Jenelle had mentioned that once (that u had asked about me and were praying) and it happened to be on a really down day for me - that she randomly shared it w me...and it really touched me to hear that. Bc it was just SO great to know Others were praying for me when I was having such a hard time myself.

